Business Mentors
Providing Invaluable Support
With a business mentor you can step outside the day to day running of your business to take a look at your business as a whole and see the opportunities and issues you face, or potentially will face.
Prepare for future success
with a business mentor
Business Mentors New Zealand can connect you with a mentor to help you and your small business to build the skills and perspective for future success.
Business mentors can support you to grow your business and solve business challenges. It also provides a great way to get objective, open and constructive feedback from an independent expert.
A business mentor would be a great option for you if:
- You are motivated and determined to grow your business
- You are willing to listen and receive constructive feedback related to you and your business
- You can commit to the mentoring relationship, working proactively to ensure tasks are achieved in a timely manner with open and honest communication
Read a case study to see mentors at work: Sarah styles her success at Pure Hair Studio.
The Process Of Obtaining A Mentor Is Simple
If your business employs fewer than 25 full-time employees and provides you with your primary source of income, with evidence of trading, you qualify to register for mentoring assistance.
1. Register online at www.businessmentors.org.nz
2. Complete an online registration
3. Pay a one off $295 + GST registration fee (for one year’s of registration)
4. Your local agent will contact you to arrange your mentor match
And It Is Even Easier To Become One
1. Complete the Business Mentor application form at www.businessmentors.org.nz selecting the areas of expertise and industry experience with which you are most familiar
2. Your local agent will contact you to discuss your business and challenges. There are 18 Business Mentors New Zealand agencies throughout New Zealand.
Feel free to contact Amanda Cushen from their team if you have any questions.
E: Amanda.Cushen@business-south.org.nz
PH: 021 286 2226

Need Business Support?
As a Queenstown Chamber member you can chat with one of our trained business specialists to get personalised advice and support. We’re always open to the public and observe standard business hours and operating days throughout the year.
If you need support or to talk to a trusted advisor call our Business Advice Line.
Business Advice Line: 0800 543 543